[Name] Kiska
[Date of capture] Oct.81
[Currently resides] MarineLand Canda
[Previously held at] Saedyrasafnid Aquarium
[Parents] Unknown
[Offspring] Unsuccesful*, Kanuck*, Nova*, Hudson* and Athena*
Kiska was caught in Icelandic waters and sent to an aquarium there. Her stay was short and she was moved to MarineLand Canada with an unnamed female*. She has lived at MarineLand since 1981, and has lived with many tank mates. They lived together in King Wardolf's Theater before moving to Friendship Cove when it opened in 1998. She has given birth to many calves, but unfortunately none are alive to date. A male from SeaWorld Florida, Ikaika, joined the family in 2006, but when all of Kiska's family passed away it was just the two of them. They shared a pool together for 5 years before Ikaika was moved to SeaWorld San Diego, as he was only on loan. Since 2011, Kiska has lived alone without any tank mate whatsoever, not even another cetacean. She is the world's most solitary captive orca.
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