[Name] Nakai
[Date of birth] 01.Sept.01
[Currently resides] SeaWorld California
[Previously held at] -
[Parents] Tilikum* and Kasatka* [AI]
[Offspring] -
Nakai was the first captive killer whale to be born via artificial insemination. He never met his father, Tilikum*, who resided at SeaWorld Florida. After the birth of his half-sister, Kohana, the two became great playmates. When Kohana was moved to Florida, Nakai spent most of his time playing with Sumar*, and younger half-sister Kalia. Nakai was a playful and curious youngster, often interacting with park guests.
In September 2012, Nakai suffered a horrific injury on his chin, resulting in a massive chunk of his flesh removed down to the bone. It is said he caught himself on a gate, however it was possibly the result of an aggressive incident between tank mates. Luckily he managed to recover from this.
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